IS:connection crossing

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Scheme description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of connection in the XML-Tree / Position von connection im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

A <connection> is an element to determine which branches of a track are connected at a certain position.

Attributes of connection / Attribute von connection

  • id: XML-file-wide unique, machine-interpretable identity, required for later referencing that element internally. For a detailed explanation see Dev:identities.
    XML-Datei-weit eindeutige, maschineninterpretierbare Identität, die für die spätere interne Referenzierung dieses Elements erforderlich ist. Für eine detaillierte Erklärung siehe Dev:identities.
  • ref: This refers to the id attribute of the associated <connection> element.
  • orientation: Orientation of the switch element relative to general track direction (aligned with increasing mileage) [1]
  • incoming: A track is merging into the principal track, tracks are converging relative to the direction [1]
  • outgoing: A track is splitting out from the principal track, tracks are diverging relative to the direction [1]
  • rightAngled: related to the "crossing" connection. Right-angled crossing has four frogs, four guard rails, one inner guard closed rail etc. [2]
  • unknown: The direction is not known
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
  • course: Relative direction of a converging/diverging track connection facilitated by a switch in a crossing. Course is always defined relative to the switch element (i.e. to stock rail), regardless of global track direction. [1]
  • straight semantics is not clear. Please try to avoid and refer to the official examples Dev:Connection_between_tracks
  • left: A switch track is merging from the left or is diverging leftward from the principal track [1]
  • right: A switch track is merging from the right or is diverging rightward from the principal track [1]
  • other:anything: Any value that does not fit any value from the previous enumeration list, fulfilling the constraint: at minimum two characters, whitespace is not allowed. Please, apply Dev:usingAny accordingly.
  • radius: Radius of the curve with which the switch rails converge into or diverge from the principal track, measured from an imaginary center of a circle. Value will usually be non-zero. [1]
  • maxSpeed: Speed restriction on a switch when used in a deflecting direction, i.e. when merging onto or diverging from a principal track [1]
  • passable
    Denotes if you can pass between the track the crossing is placed on and the track connecting to the crossing.
  • branchDist (deprecated with version 2.1) Since originally no separate, connecting track element was allowed, a special attribute denoted the length of the connection. See Dev:Connection_between_tracks.

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

  • id: xs:ID, required
    a string, starting with a letter (a..zA..Z) or an underscore (_),
    followed by a non-colonized and non-spaced string consisting of letters, digits, points (.), dashes (-) or underscores (_)
  • ref: tGenericRef (xs:IDREF); required
    Must point to the id of another <connection>
  • orientation: tConnectionOrientation (FIXME); required
  • course: tCourse (Restriction of xs:string; can be "straight"/"left"/"right" or any); optional
  • radius: tRadiusM (xs:decimal, 6 fraction digits, radius value measured in meter); optional (introduced with version 2.4)
🗒️ Until railML® 2.3: tLengthM (xs:decimal, 6 fraction digits, length value measured in meter) (deprecated with version 2.3)
  • maxSpeed: tSpeedKmPerHour (xs:decimal, 5 digits and 1 fraction digit with minimum value 0, speed value measured in km/h); optional
  • passable: xs:boolean; default: TRUE; optional
  • branchDist: tLengthM (xs:decimal, 6 fraction digits, length value measured in meter); optional

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

As the movement possibilities are given for a fully functional <switch> (true), a simple <crossing> (false and false) and a double switch crossing (true and true; within railML® a crossing with @type=doubleSwitchCrossing) the passable does not need to be defined for these element types. For fully functional switches/crossings only use @passable for each of the IS:crossing connection of a crossing@type="simpleSwitchCrossing" (single slip switch) with either the value combination true and false or false and true.

When setting a switch/crossing into a reduced state in railML

When you pad(lock) a switch/switch crossing use the combination of state@disabled=true and passable=true/false under the switch/crossing element. The passable for passing over the switch/crossing on the track the switch is placed on (the principal/straight track) is implicit given through the @passable=true/false of the switch connection (the diverging track).

Please also refer to Dev:Connection_between_tracks for information on how to use connections and switches/crossings.

Notes / Anmerkungen


Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Jernbanedirektoratet railML® 2.4 glossary (external link)
  2. О.М. Даренський З`єднання і схрещення залізничних колій