TT:stopTimes stopDescription ocpTT ocpsTT trainPart

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Revision as of 11:57, 5 April 2024 by Christian Rößiger (talk | contribs) (Added example and description for underrun minimal stop time under Best practice & Examples)
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Scheme description / Schemenbeschreibung

Position of times in the XML-Tree / Position von times im XML-Baum

Multiplicity / Anzahl


Semantics / Bedeutung

The element <stopTimes> describes the composition of the stopping durations a train spends in a station. The stop time as difference between arrival and departure should be: minimalTime + operationalReserve + additionalReserve

Das Element <stopTimes> beschreibt beschreibt die Zusammensetzung und fachliche Aufteilung der Zeit, die ein Zug während eines Haltes in einem Bahnhof verbringt. Die Haltezeit als Differenz zwischen Ankunft und Abfahrt entspricht der Summe: minimalTime + operationalReserve + additionalReserve

Attributes of times / Attribute von times

  • minimalTime: minimal stop time.
  • operationalReserve: additional stop time for operational purposes.
  • additionalReserve: additional unspecified stop time, e.g. waiting for a connection.
  • shuntingTime: specifies the driving time inside a station. usually defined at first/last ocpTT.
  • clearanceTime: time spent for closing the doors etc., this is sometimes considered as part of the running time.
  • xs:anyAttribute(introduced with version 2.3) This provides an extension point for non-railML® attributes in a foreign namespace. How to use it?

Syntactic Constraints / Syntaktische Beschränkungen

Best practice & Examples / Empfohlene Anwendung & Beispiele

Discussed within timetable meeting in Berlin 02.06.2016

The participating developers declared that <stopTimes> are currently used with the scope of scheduled times.

 <stopTimes minimalTime="PT2M" additionalReserve="PT18S"/>

Contradiction between @minimalTime and scheduled arrival and departure times

It cannot be expected that the <times> with scope scheduled necessarily are aligned with the @minimalTime provided for a <ocpTT>. Although in general this assumption should be true, an importing software should not rely on this relationship.

Es kann nicht erwartet werden, dass die <times> mit scope scheduled notwendigerweise mit der @minimalTime abgeglichen sind, die für einen <ocpTT> angegeben ist. Obwohl diese Annahme im Allgemeinen wahr sein dürfte, sollten sich importierende Softwareprogramme nicht auf diese Beziehung verlassen.

Under certain circumstances, the @minimalTime of a stop can also be underrun. In these cases, this is usually compensated by additional runtime and/or stoptime reserves on the neighbouring sections.

Unter bestimmten Umständen kann die @minimalTime eines Haltes auch unterschritten werden. In diesen Fällen wird dies üblicherweise durch Fahrt- und/oder Haltezeitzuschläge auf den angrenzenden Abschnitten kompensiert.

    <!-- ... -->
    <ocpTT sequence="24" ocpRef="ocp_X" ocpType="stop">
      <!-- scheduled stop time at "X" is 30 seconds, while minimal stop time is 42 seconds (see under stopDescription), so there's a "negative reserve" of 12 seconds for the stop at "X" -->
      <times scope="scheduled" arrival="16:30:24" departure="16:30:54" />
      <!-- the runtime in the subsequent section has an additionalReserve of 18 seconds, so we arrive with a resulting reserve of 6 seconds at the next stop at "Y" -->
        <runtimes minimalTime="PT6M24S" operationalReserve="PT12S" additionalReserve="PT18S"/>
      <stopDescription commercial="true">
        <stopTimes minimalTime="PT42S" />
    <ocpTT sequence="25" ocpRef="ocp_Y" ocpType="stop">
      <times scope="scheduled" arrival="16:37:48" departure="..." />
    <!-- ... -->

Notes / Anmerkungen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.

Open issues / Offene Punkte/Pendenzen

Not yet described. / Noch nicht beschrieben.